
Problem with adding my name in members list

basiliskav opened this issue · 2 comments

I tried to add my name in members list to thessrbio by creating a new branch. When i try to push my new branch to github, a permission error appears. There is something that i can do to resolve this error?

This is the error
ERROR: Permission to thessrb/thessrbio.git denied to basiliskav.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

You are trying to push directly to thessrb/thessrbio, but you are not a collaborator in this repository. Right now, contributions can only be done through a fork. You need to fork this repository first, then clone your fork locally, and create a new local topic branch for your proposed changes. Then push that branch to your fork, and create the pull request. We'll review the pull request, and merge it if everything is fine.

Thank you. Now understand how fork works. I just created the pull request.