FractalNow Server

This is a simple Rack application that renders fractals using the fractalnow command line tool.


To use this application, you need to have fractalnow installed on your system. You can download it from the official website.

Or use Docker. You can find convenient way to run the app below.


Using Docker Compose

  • Make sure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed.
  • Clone the repository
  • Navigate to the project directory: cd fractal-now
  • Start the application: docker-compose up
  • Send a POST request with a fractal configuration file to http://localhost:8080/fractal
  • The response will be an image of the rendered fractal.

Without Docker

  • Make sure you have Ruby and the fractalnow executable installed.
  • Clone the repository
  • Navigate to the project directory: cd fractal-now
  • Install the required gems: bundle install
  • Start the application: bundle exec puma
  • Send a POST request with a fractal configuration file to http://localhost:8080/fractal
  • The response will be an image of the rendered fractal.


The application provides a single endpoint that accepts POST requests:

POST /fractal

The request body should be a plain text, for example:

-6.999999999999999555910790149937383830547E-01 0E+00
3.857142857142857142857142857142857142859E+00 3E+00
1000 1000
0.45 0.2
0 0x39a0 0.25 0xffffff 0.5 0xfffe43 0.75 0xbf0800 1 0x39a0

If the request is successful, the server responds with a binary image in PPM format.