
A simple component that animates elements as they scroll into view.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple Vue directive that animates elements as they scroll into view.

View UI


npm install vue-animate-onelscroll
# or
yarn add vue-animate-onelscroll


Import to your Vue application

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueAnimateOnElScroll from 'vue-animate-onelscroll'



For demo purposes, let's use animate.css, a css animation library but using your own custom CSS animations would work the same way as well.

Import animate.css anyway you like. For demo purposes, in your index.html

  <!-- some other stuff -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/animate.css@3.5.2/animate.min.css">

Pass the desired class as a string literal (in single quotes) in your Vue template:

<div v-onelscroll="'animated flip'">Animate me once upon scroll</div>

Repeat Modifier

Note that by default the animation will only trigger once: the first time the element scrolled into view. If you want to repeat the animation everytime it was scrolled into view, use the repeat modifier:

<div v-onelscroll.repeat="'animated flip'">Animate me upon scroll forever</div>

Scroll Direction

It's also possible to animate only on a specific scroll direction by passing in an object as the value. In the following example, the animation will only trigger the first time you scroll down on the element.

<div v-onelscroll="{down: 'animated flip'}">Animate me once upon scroll down</div>

On upward scroll:

<div v-onelscroll="{up: 'animated rotateOut'}">Animate me once upon scroll up</div>

If you want to repeat the animation everytime you scroll down to the element add the repeat modifier:

<div v-onelscroll.repeat="{down: 'animated flip'}">Animate me everytime you scroll down on me</div>

Multiple animations

Or use two different animations for each scroll direction:

<div v-onelscroll="{down: 'animated flip', up: 'animated rotateOut' }">Animate me upon scroll forever</div>

Note that by providing both up and down directions, the repeat modifier is implicitly in effect.

fork by https://github.com/vycoder/vue-animate-onscroll



可以指定滚动元素scrollEl [undefined, null, string, Element]

  • 如果未指定滚动元素,默认监听window的滚动事件,并且v-onelscroll指令可以用在任何元素上
  • 如果scrollEl的值是null 不会进行初始化
  • 如果指定了 scrollEl 那么绑定的元素要能够通过 el.offsetTop直接获取到在容器中的位置
  • 如果scrollEl的值是string 则会通过 document.querySelector 获取dom
  • scrollEl 可以初始化为 null mounted 后直接绑定Dom元素
    <div class="component-scroll-animate flex-layout">
        <div class="scroll-wrap flex-auto scroll-all" ref="scrollWrap">
            <div class="content"> <!-- 这一层元素可以不需要 -->
                <div class="item" v-onelscroll="{
                        down: 'animated zoomInRight', 
                        up: 'animated flipInX' 

export default {
    name: "scroll-animate",
    data() {
        return {
    mounted () {
            this.scrollEl = this.$refs.scrollWrap



  <div class="item" v-onelscroll.repeat.edge="{
          down: 'animated zoomInRight', 
          up: 'animated flipInX' 


Live demo here.
Live demo here -ch.


Creative Commons License
vue-animate-onscroll by Joseph Harvey Angeles is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://github.com/josephharveyangeles/vue-animate-onscroll.