
monochrome android 13 icon

Closed this issue · 6 comments

monochrome android 13 icon

As far as I can see, android 12 does not really have support for dynamic icons (with dynamic icons, I guess you mean the ones which adapt to the theme), but this is coming with android 13. I understand, that google apps were able to use these special icons also with android 12, but this functionality was not supported for other apps. And I am not planning to do workaround for unsupported features.

I will enable support for dynamic icons together with your other request, the material-you scheme support. But as said, they will only show up starting from android 13.

oh, of course I don't want workarounds either. but if you suddenly make an icon before the release of android 13, I would be glad to see it in cayicons

what is cayicons?

dynamic icons mean just providing an additional monochrome icon ... this will be provided with the next tuner release, but it will only be used for android 13+

this is an icon pack. fork of lawnicons

I see, thanks for the info. Sorry to say that I won't take the time to do this. But feel free to do it yourself. I can provide the svg-file of the icon if needed.

this is now merged in and official in version v4.0.0