thevickypedia/gmail-connector # ken add 2022-1-17 fix ubuntu use this

ken6317461024 opened this issue · 3 comments

err show:
raise self.error("command %s illegal in state %s, "
imaplib.error: command SEARCH illegal in state AUTH, only allowed in states SELECTED

file on==>>
/.env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/gmailconnector/", line 49, in delete_sent

self.mail.list()'"[Gmail]/Sent Mail"')

self.mail.list()'"[Gmail]/Sent Mail"') # ken add 2022-1-17 fix ubuntu use this

err 2 --Temporary failure in name resolution – Ubuntu

fix on ubuntu

1 -- do the

Edit this file /etc/systemd/resolved.conf < sudo nano /etc/systemd/resolved.conf >

DNS= #***Enter the IP of your DNS Serer

2 -- do the

Restart the resolved service

service systemd-resolved restart

Thanks for raising the issue, I don't have an Ubuntu machine to check the issue.
Can you please raise a PR fixing the issue?

I tested this on Ubuntu and it works as it is without any issue.