
Validating number of scrambles for multiple blindfolded

jazzthief81 opened this issue · 7 comments

In multiple blindfolded events, multiple scrambles are generated per attempt. It seems that the validation is not able to handle this as it should because it says the number of scrambles should equal the number of attempts.

SingaporeRubiksCubeCompetition2014.xlsx and Singapore Open 2014.json gives:
Incorrect number of scrambles in group: B (found: 21, expected: 2)
Incorrect number of scrambles in group: A (found: 21, expected: 2)

jfly commented

Darn! I didn't think of this. Should we special case multibld to accept more scrambles than attempts?

Because of the way TNoodle works, the only way to generate scrambles for a round where you get more than 1 attempt for multiple blindfolded (best of 2, best of 3) is to generate 2 or 3 groups. But actually these groups are the attempts you get in a round and there is only one group from an organizational point of view.

So I think the logic for validating multiblind scrambles should be like this:

  • Number of attempts given in the round should equal number of groups in the scramble files
  • Number of scrambles in the scramble file should be at least the highest number of tried cubes for that attempt.
jfly commented

Urg, thanks for clarifying. I was getting confused about what precisely "attempts" means in multibld. I honestly had never thought about running a comp with multiple multibld attempts in a round. It's really lame tnoodle can't handle this. I believe working around this is going to require sub-round scramble editing granularity (#73), which I was really hoping to avoid doing for 0.2.

Are you sure this is really necessary? I don't think anyone actually does multiple groups in multiple blindfolded. Can't we just assume that for multiple blindfolded, the groups in the scramble file are actually attempts?

I know it's not pretty.

jfly commented

Hmm... I guess the question is: do we need #73 for 0.2?

The hack you suggested sounds like a good idea, I think the most transparent way of doing it is to tweak the TNoodle json after we've parsed it.

I'm thinking, this goes beyond the fact that TNoodle does it in this way. The results JSON version 0.2 does not have a proper way to represent multiple scrambles for one attempt either. Implicitly it assumes that one scramble = one attempt.

So I don't think solving #73 is going to solve this issue. I'd like to have #73 implemented soon though for dealing with multiple TNoodle files.