
UI related issues and suggestions

DannyAcosta710 opened this issue · 43 comments

Both PC (when the player window is small) and mobile, the transparent hamburger menu makes it so that it's hard to read the options

It's even more noticeable on mobile, however

@DannyTalent I made the whole menu a solid color instead of transparent for precisely this reason. What's do you say? What color or combination would be better suited?

The current color looks fine, just not transparent. Maybeeee blur would make it look better. Accent color would probably work fine, too, and/or a really dark grey, kinda like what the old Settings app for W10 had (R: 23 G: 23 B: 23) with white text.

PS: I noticed some files from source code are in spanish, would you prefer me to talk in spanish? Cuz I speak spanish too lol

No, no. English is absolutely fine 😄

The blur would have a very adverse effect on performance. Maybe I will try solid white-grey color or we can simply use accent color. Later on, we can make a setting for this.


Really? I mean myTube uses it (beta) on mobile, and it isn't really that slow... And the blur changes with the video, so I imagine there's quite a lot of processing happening..
Yeah, dark/light mode setting would be very nice

Even so, this is a rather a risky thing and nothing we can't do without. I think we should reduce the transparency to a minimum and use the same setting.

Right. What about moving the whole screen to the right? As in, not making the menu, instead of coming from the left and overlapping on top of the screen. I think the ESL app does this

You mean just overlapping the whole of the screen with the menu in the middle?

Well, that could work, too, I was thinking of moving the normally visible controls to the right, kinda like the old wp8.1 pivots... But yeah what you said sounds like a good idea. And probably easier to code!

The search bar will have to be moved to somewhere more convenient. Besides that, all is well.


Did you mean this?

Exactly that, yeah

Ot: Hey if I made a small svg mock up of the app and suggested a few things (design wise) would you consider it? I really wanna help with the development of this app, it's pretty fun

Of course, I would love that! Actually I would really appreciate that.

Alrighty, cuz I feel that some transparent dark screens would make it look a bit better but I'm not so sure, unless I see it. In a few days I'll send you one if I have something decent!


@DannyTalent I was thinking of moving the player bar to the bottom like in Groove. What do you say?

I think the current layout on mobile is perfect, maybe you can put it on PC as well!

Although it might be bad for ux... What about making it stay on top but have the buttons (next, pause, prev, shuffle, etc.) be on top of the progress bar so that there's some extra space on top

I changed the mobile layout a bit, but basically its the same. I cannot transfer it to PC because I don't think it will look good on bigger screens.

What will we do with the extra space? Not a bad idea, btw.

You said you tried putting it on top but couldn't because of problems with the action center.. That extra space would help not accidentally swiping it when trying to use the seek bar

The problem with action center occurs on mobiles because of the notification bar.

I hid the whole play bar to free up all the space I could, I think its more...user-friendly that way. For two reasons: first that a user is not playing with the play bar all the time, so when he does want it he can press the button and voila!

The second reason is the hamburger menu button. It looks awful when placed right below the play bar destroying the whole beauty of the thing.

As to PCs, the second reason applies + the rectangle where currently playing song info is now showed. Placing the whole thing at the bottom will on one side make it more appropriate and on the other side we will have to get rid of the status bar. I have seen status bar right below the play bar and it looks weird.

Ohhh I see... It might be a little hard to discover for an average user though if it's hidden. (Never underestimate end users!) Maybe a little animation later in development might help with that tho.

Which status bar? The one that says Nothing baking? What if you have it appear and disappear, kinda like a small, thin toast notification? Only when it's needed of course, or maybe with an X button to close it...

How about if its visible on first use with the button to hide? That way the user will know that there is a playbar :)

@DannyTalent I have released a new alpha update, go check it out!


Do tell how it looks? Better or worse?

Yes! Loving that placement! I did get the new alpha for my phone, ty! You might wanna reopen the double song issue tho :/ it's still happening...

Strange, it wasn't appearing in the emulator at all.

Yep... I'll record a video tonight to show you exactly what's happening.. Can't earlier because of classes :/

Yes! That would certainly help a lot.

Controls don't show up when you just opened up the app. Even if you start playing a song. Closing and opening the tab fixes it, however

yes, I missed those figures out. Fixing it now.

While using the dark theme on the phone, the letters for jump lists and the jump list is not visible.

@MightyK1337 Reproduced and fixed. There was also a crash while jumping to a specific letter. (can't upload here, on mobile) it's from bottom to top, the 1st one shows landscape mode, a little awkward with the song info and the hamburger menu... Then, when u go back to portrait, the hamburger button from the playlist, which usually is transparent (as in the top pic), goes red (accent color).

Yes. This is certainly a bug in the UI adaptation to different screens. Fixing right away!

Alphabets for jump lists not visible.

@MightyK1337 In dark theme or light?

It is the dark theme.
Also - don't know if this is a issue- when the first time i play something and navigate from the app, song stops playing. I need to go back to app and then navigate to others for it to work in background.

I will surely investigate this further.

@MightyK1337 Can you explain the exact steps to reproduce this new issue?

Sorry for the late reply.

  1. Play a song
  2. navigate away from the app like pressing the home key
  3. the song stops playing
  4. navigate back to the app, by pressing the back key or from task switcher
  5. song starts playing again.
  6. now navigate away from the app again.
  7. the song will continue to play in background

Expected behavior: song should continue to play in the background,even when navigating from the app for the first time.


Remove the now playing bar highlighted, when nothing is being played. We can look at more number of songs, if it is removed. also improves usability

This arrow appears after using the jumplist. pressing it does not work and after this appears, the jump list also stops working.