
PLEASE make a screen capture setting

Closed this issue · 7 comments

add a feature where it takes the colors on your screen, and using that, changes the colors of the screen

(if the screen is red, change to red, if blue change to blue etc)

What OS do you use?
Did it worked for you with the leds easily?

I use windows lol, thing is I know nothing about python, github, etc. The app works really good I just want this one feature lol

I just want the colors to match the music video I'm watching lol, any suggestions? do u have a discord?

i'm sorry but idk what that number is lol

that worked, i sent it lol

Added in 1.0.3

dude thank you so much, I aboslutely love it. the only issue I see with it, is that the color red doesn't show up very often. Maybe this is a bug, but everything is very blue, even when the screen is red

You welcome :)
I think that this issue is in the LEDs themself.
I tried to set it to RED color from happy light Android app, from red image, and
it was the same, insead of red it was purple and even more blue / white