
New Blackeye

Opened this issue · 6 comments

I am working on a new version of Blackeye that has ngrok fixed. It will hae a that downloads ngrok in that directory and asks for your authtoken that can be acquired when an account is created via the ngrok website. In this version the ngrok will work.

I have not checked this repository for a while, I will try the new version ASAP.

It seems that in it is sying that some things are not found, and when it automatically runs blackeye-im it says these things:
Send this link to the Victim:
./ line 412: jq: command not found
./ line 412: xsel: command not found
./ line 412: xsel: command not found
Use shortened link instead:

Waiting victim open the link ...

I will try to make an ngrok authentication in the version I am creating.

The localhost seems to work however, with the exception that it shows the message for config.

I am working on a new version of Blackeye that has ngrok fixed. It will hae a that downloads ngrok in that directory and asks for your authtoken that can be acquired when an account is created via the ngrok website. In this version the ngrok will work.

Where is the Repository?

Still making it.

any new on that??