
The argument type 'Image' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'Image?'.

itss-sid opened this issue · 12 comments

I am trying to export a QR code with an embedded image but I am not able to do that because it doesn't accept any type of image. I have tried literally every type of image possible still it just won't accept. What does it want?


My Code:

final painter = QrPainter.withQr(
        qr: qrCode!,
        color: const Color(0xFF000000),
        gapless: true,
        embeddedImageStyle: null,
        embeddedImage: Image(image: null,)

Use AssetImage or NetworkImage.

Use AssetImage or NetworkImage.

Already tried, they give the same error.

Show your code when using my above suggestion.

I know I have to enter image URL in NetworkImage, I just did for testing and to show you.

Oh you're using QrPainter, not QrImageView. Is that intentional?

QrPainter expects a type of Image from dart:ui, not flutter/widgets.

Oh you're using QrPainter, not QrImageView. Is that intentional?

Yes, I need an Embedded image when exporting the QR Code.

QrPainter expects a type of Image from dart:ui, not flutter/widgets.

So, what should I do to give it an Embedded image when exporting the QR ?

@lukef Can you convert this issue to discussion?

So, what should I do to give it an image when exporting the QR ?