
Conceptual REST API to handle financial transaction like transfers and withdrawals

Primary LanguageElixir

Banking API

Build Status Coverage Status

Conceptual REST API to handle financial transaction like transfers and withdrawals.


Checkout the REST API documentation at API.md .

Setup (full docker)

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes in a docker environment.


  • Docker 18 or superior (other versions may work as well)


# change the DATABASE_URL to point to the container
$ echo "DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:postgres@database/banking" > .env.local
$ echo "DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:postgres@database/banking_test" > .env.local.test
$ docker-compose -f full-docker-compose.yml up
# The API will be available at localhost:4000

Running the tests

$ make test

Coding style tests

# Run the formatter
$ make format
# Run credo
$ make credo

Setup (docker + mix)

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes without docker.



# Install the versions of elixir and erlang defined at .tool-versions
$ asdf install
# Start the database with docker
$ docker-compose up
# Create the databases
$ mix ecto.create
# Run the migrations
$ mix ecto.migrate
# Start the web server
$ mix phx.server
# The API will be available at localhost:4000

Running the tests

$ mix test

Coding style tests

# Run the formatter
$ mix format
# Run credo
$ mix credo

Environment variables

This projects uses a custom dotenv implementation that loads the env vars from dotenv files, before running each mix config file.

The following env vars are used:

  • PORT - The port that the server will start. Ex: 4000.
  • DATABASE_URL - The database's url. Ex: postgres://username:password@host/db_name
  • POOL_SIZE - The size of the pool of database connections. Ex: 2.
  • SECRET_KEY_BASE - A secret key used by Phoenix as a base to generate secrets for encrypting and signing data. Run mix phx.gen.secret to generate a new one.
  • HOST - Application host. Ex: banking.example.com.
  • TIMBER_API_KEY - Timber API key.
  • TIMBER_SOURCE_ID - Timber source ID.
  • BANKING_SESSION_TOKEN_TTL_IN_MINUTES - Time to live in minutes of the banking-related JWT session tokens. Ex: 15
  • BANKING_SESSION_TOKEN_SECRET - A secret key used by Guardiian to sign the banking-related JWT session tokens. Run mix guardian.gen.secret to generate a new one.
  • BACKOFFICE_SESSION_TOKEN_TTL_IN_MINUTES - Time to live in minutes of the backoffice-related JWT session tokens. Ex: 15
  • BACKOFFICE_SESSION_TOKEN_SECRET - A secret key used by Guardiian to sign the backoffice-related JWT session tokens. Run mix guardian.gen.secret to generate a new one.
  • SENDGRID_API_KEY - Sendgrid API key.

Deployment (gigalixir)



# Login in your account
$ gigalixir login
# Create the app
$ APP_NAME=$(gigalixir create)
$ gigalixir pg:create --free
# Free tier db only allows 4 connections. Zero down-time deploys need pool_size*(n+1) connections.
$ gigalixir config:set POOL_SIZE=2
$ gigalixir config:set SECRET_KEY_BASE=$(mix phx.gen.secret)
$ gigalixir config:set HOST="$APP_NAME.gigalixirapp.com"
# Create a new source on timber
$ gigalixir config:set TIMBER_API_KEY="YOUR_API_KEY"
$ gigalixir config:set TIMBER_SOURCE_ID="YOUR_SOURCE_ID"
$ gigalixir config:set BANKING_SESSION_TOKEN_TTL_IN_MINUTES=15
$ gigalixir config:set BANKING_SESSION_TOKEN_SECRET=$(mix guardian.gen.secret)
$ gigalixir config:set BACKOFFICE_SESSION_TOKEN_SECRET=$(mix guardian.gen.secret)
$ gigalixir config:set BANKING_WITHDRAWAL_FROM_EMAIL=youremail@example.com
$ gigalixir config:set SENDGRID_API_KEY="YOUR_API_KEY"
# Deploy the code
$ git push gigalixir master

Continuous Delivery

Since gigalixir deploys are just a normal git push, it should work with any CI/CD tool out there.

Export the following env vars on your CI/CD environment. The correct values can be found in the Gigalixir panel.

  • GIGALIXIR_EMAIL - Ex: foo%40gigalixir.com.
  • GIGALIXIR_API_KEY - Ex: b9fbde22-fb73-4acb-8f74-f0aa6321ebf7.
  • GIGALIXIR_APP_NAME - Ex: real-hasty-fruitbat.

Then run:

$ git remote add gigalixir https://$GIGALIXIR_EMAIL:$GIGALIXIR_API_KEY@git.gigalixir.com/$GIGALIXIR_APP_NAME.git
$ git push -f gigalixir HEAD:refs/heads/master

A working example can be found at .travis.yml.

Built With

  • Elixir - Elixir programming language
  • PostgreSQL - Relational database
  • Phoenix - Web framework
  • Ecto - Database wrapper and data-mapper
  • Guardian - Token based authentication library
  • Swoosh - Library used to compose, deliver and test emails.
  • Timber - Logging service.
  • Sendgrid - Email delivery service.