
Vagrant Powered Magento 2 Demo

Primary LanguageShell

Vagrant Magento 2 Demo

A complete demo environment powered by Vagrant using either Digital Ocean or Virtual Box as a provider.

The Stack

This builds a virtual machine running Cent OS 6.7, MySql 5.6, PHP 7.0, Nginx 1.8, Apache 2.2 and Varnish 4.1 and installs Magento 2.0 complete with sample data. By default, Community Edition is installed, but this can be changed to install Enterprise Edition in the config.rb file for those who have access.


Installation / Usage

  1. Verify you have all the required dependencies as listed above
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Copy the etc/config.rb.sample file to etc/config.rb and update the placeholder values (values may be left unchanged for providers you do not plan on utilizing)
  4. If you have Enterprise Edition access, set MAGENTO_IS_ENTERPRISE to true in etc/config.rb
  5. Run vagrant up to kick off virtual machine provisioning and install Magento 2. By default, Virtual Box is used as a provider. To use Digital Ocean, run vagrant up --provider digital_ocean instead
  6. Add an entry to your /etc/hosts file using the IP address and hostname output near end of vagrant up run
  7. Load up your new demo site in a browser!

Known Issues

  • There is currently no support for SSL in the virtual machine