Z Offset
Opened this issue · 3 comments
first, thank you for the amazing FW.
The only thing i would like to have is, when i level my bed, the increase/decrease steps are 0.25 or -0.25. can you tell me please where to adjust the steps. would like to have a more precise range like 0.01.
thank you for your help
I have the same issue. I need to set mine to -1.95 and the firmware only allows increments of 25.
Can anyone help me understand how to do this either in the config.h file or in the gcode. Thank you
Hello, I have the same issue, and I have trouble to see how the links you gave solve this ?
I can see in the end in the troubleshooting that require to use g-code, but the step :
"Move the nozzle down so it is just gripping a piece of standard printer paper"
doesn't solve it, we need to know how to reduce the step of the Z-axis, otherwise we aren't able to perform a precise movement through printer interface.
Today I got the same issue, the Z axis move of 2.5mm each step I try through printer interface