
Build failure

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Windows 11 64 bit, x86
Godot 4.3 final release
Zig 0.13.0

C:\Dev\Godot\GodotZigBindings>zig build -Dgdextension="extension_api.json" -Dbuild_config="float_64"
C:\Dev\Godot\GodotZigBindings\build.zig:5:21: error: root struct of file 'std' has no member named 'build'
pub fn build(b: * !void {
C:\zig\lib\std\std.zig:1:1: note: struct declared here
pub const ArrayHashMap = array_hash_map.ArrayHashMap;
referenced by:
    runBuild__anon_8953: C:\zig\lib\std\Build.zig:2115:50
    main: C:\zig\lib\compiler\build_runner.zig:301:29
    remaining reference traces hidden; use '-freference-trace' to see all reference traces

Read the README to see that the very first line explicitly says "For Zig Version 0.11.0" may be the reason it doesn't build in a newer version of a language that is not stable yet, once the bindings are feature complete the Zig version used will be upgraded.