
Allow running components under user's account

reubenmiller opened this issue · 0 comments

Is your feature improvement request related to a problem? Please describe.

Allow users to run tedge connect c8y as a non-root user, and without relying on hardcoded user/groups "tedge" and "mosquitto".

Though other commands like tedge init allow the user to specify the user/group to be used, e.g.:

tedge init --user peter --group staff

Concrete example: running mosquitto and tedge-agent under users account

If a user is running mosquitto as a service running under the current users (e.g. peter). This means that the mosquitto user does not exist (and neither does tedge).

When executing tedge connect c8y it will panic when the mosquitto user does not exist as tries to change the ownership of the device certificate files as it assumes that the mosquitto service won't be able to access them (which isn't the case as mosquitto is running as the current user and not under mosquitto).

tedge connect c8y                                                                 
Detected mosquitto version >= 2.0.0
Checking if homebrew is available.

Checking if configuration for requested bridge already exists.

Validating the bridge certificates.

Creating the device in Cumulocity cloud.

Saving configuration for requested bridge.

Restarting mosquitto service.

thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: UserNotFound { user: "mosquitto" }', crates/core/tedge/src/cli/connect/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

The code mentioned in the panic is shown below:

// Ignore errors - This was the behavior with the now deprecated user manager.

The code even includes a command about possible ignore errors.

Describe the solution you'd like

There are a few different options how this problem could be solved and each one should be evaluated to select the best one.

Option 1: Don't fail when trying to change ownership of cert files

Try change the file ownership of the device certificate files, but ignore any errors (and only log the errors on the INFO level).

A slight variant on this would be to not even attempt to change the file ownership unless you are running as root (as any other attempt change ownership will likely fail).

Option 2: Allow users to configure which user own the device certificates

Add new tedge config settings to control which user/group should be the owner of the device certificate files. This would allow the user to control the ownership.

Option 3: tedge connect should not try changing ownership of the device certificates

Don't try and change the ownership of the device certificate files when running tedge connect. Instead let the user control the certificate ownership during the tedge cert create step by supporting two new flags, --user <USER> and --group <GROUP> (following the same flag names used by the tedge init command).

The risk here would be if the user created certificates with the incorrect permissions, then the tedge connect would not be able to fix the file permissions which could lead to the certificates not being able to be read by mosquitto.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context

The situation was discovered whilst trying to install on MacOS using homebrew. mosquitto can be installed using homebrew, and it does not create a user called "mosquitto" as the mosquitto service is run under the current user's account (as this does not require any root permissions).

Below shows the mosquitto and tedge-agent services running as the current user peter.

$ brew services list
Name                    Status     User         File
mosquitto               started    peter ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mosquitto.plist
tedge-agent             started    peter ~/Library/LaunchAgents/tedge-agent.plist

And the certificates shows that they are owned by the current user peter and therefore would also be accessible by the mosquitto service as it is also running under the current user's account (peter).

$ whoami

$ ls -l /opt/homebrew/etc/tedge/device-certs/
total 16
-r--r--r--  1 peter  admin  648 May  9 16:20 tedge-certificate.pem
-r--------  1 peter  admin  241 May  9 16:20 tedge-private-key.pem