
Shipyard module shuffling

Closed this issue · 5 comments


How to reproduce:
Go to a shipyard.
Select a module to install.
Switch to "Remove module".
remove cargo bays until you get the message that it can not be sold as there are items in it.
Switch back to "Install module".
Click the button to install the previous selected module.
... and crash!

Ok, I will try this and try to fix it as soon as possible ;) As always, thank you for the report.

And this one should be fixed now too. Thank you again, for the report. Again, the fastest way to get this fix for now is to use testing version of the game:

A variant of this:

Go to the shipyard.
Remove a module.
Click the "Remove module" button once more.


Not really a variant, more like a new bug ;) Ok, I will check it soon.

This one should be fixed now too. Again, thank you very much for you help.