
Create DataBase Neo4j with node js

rezguiHamza opened this issue · 2 comments

i have a problem to create a db neoj, this my code in my file server.js:

var db = require("seraph")({
server: "",
endpoint: "data/graph.db",
user: "neo4j",
pass: "neo4j"
, graph = require("neo4jquery").setConnection(db)

, query = "CREATE (vous:Personne { nom:'Vous' })RETURN vous" ;

graph.Query(query, false, function(err, list) {
if (err) {
// callback(err, void 0);
console.log("ERROR Execution" + err);
} else {
// some stuff here with list

console.log("requete executée !");
    var user = list[0];

if i connect in : " Invalid username or password."

when i run server.js it shows me : "ERROR ExecutionError: Invalid username or password."

although I added these two line in "" :

org.neo4j.server.credentials=neo4:neo4j org.neo4j.server.thirdparty_jaxrs_classes=org.neo4j.server.extension.auth=/auth

Hi @rezguiHamza,

It looks like you're using a different driver. Here's the repo for that driver:

You might try asking your question over there. Good luck!

Hi @aseemk,
ok , thanks,