
Error if compiling as Node

Opened this issue · 3 comments

NL647 commented

Hello , i compiled the code as Gateway and if works fine.But if i add the option for node (_GATEWAYNODE=1) I get an error while compiling error: expected initializer before '.' token uint16_t LoraDown.fcnt = 0;
Do someone know how to fix it?
i'm using Lora heltech v2 and platfformio .

build_flags =
  -D _OLED=1
  -D _DUSB=1
  -D _STRICT_1CH=2
  -D _MAXSEEN=10
  -D _STAT_LOG=0
  -D _EXPERT=1
`Compiling .pio\build\Gateway_38\lib326\WiFi\WiFiMulti.cpp.o`

`C:/Users/INFORMATIQUE/Desktop/ESP-1ch-Gateway-master/src/ESP-sc-gway.ino: At global scope:
C:/Users/INFORMATIQUE/Desktop/ESP-1ch-Gateway-master/src/ESP-sc-gway.ino:203:17: error: expected initializer before '.' token`
 ` uint16_t LoraUp.fcnt = 0;        // We write this to SPIFF file`
`C:/Users/INFORMATIQUE/Desktop/ESP-1ch-Gateway-master/src/ESP-sc-gway.ino:204:19: error: expected initializer before '.' token
  uint16_t LoraDown.fcnt = 0;        // LoraDown framecount init 0`
`C:/Users/INFORMATIQUE/Desktop/ESP-1ch-Gateway-master/src/_loraFiles.ino: In function 'int readGwayCfg(const char*, espGwayConfig*)':
C:/Users/INFORMATIQUE/Desktop/ESP-1ch-Gateway-master/src/_loraFiles.ino:137:18: error: 'struct espGwayConfig' has no member named 'fcnt'
   if (gwayConfig.fcnt != (uint8_t) 0) {`
`C:/Users/INFORMATIQUE/Desktop/ESP-1ch-Gateway-master/src/_loraFiles.ino:138:29: error: 'struct espGwayConfig' has no member named **'fcnt'**`
    `LoraUp.fcnt = gwayConfig.fcnt+10;   // Assume it is only 10 off`

Thank for helping.

Hi, I have the same problem. Have you found a solution?

Have you found a solution?

comment lines 202 to 205
202 //#if _GATEWAYNODE==1
203 // uint16_t LoraUp.fcnt = 0; // We write this to SPIFF file
204 // uint16_t LoraDown.fcnt = 0; // LoraDown framecount init 0
205 //#endif