
Linux Mint 20+ Unable to Install

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Despite following the directions exactly, with CAPS lock off and no user error, I am unable to install Gourmet on Linux Mint 20+ via terminal.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Flatpak is already latest version: (1.6.5-0ubuntu0.3)
  2. Got no reported errors for following "flatpak remote-add..." command
  3. Next, I typed: "sudo flatpak install gourmet-1.0.0.flatpak
  4. Next, I get this error: "Failed to open file “/home/jonathan/gourmet-1.0.0.flatpak”: open() failed: No such file or directory"
  5. I can't go any further because of this error. Please help.
  6. Triple-Checked for user errors, typed way slower than normal,no typing errors.
  7. I spent 30 minutes trying to get this to work, no successful install.

Expected Behavior

I should expect a clean install with zero errors using Linux Mint 20+ Cinnamon.


  • Operating System: Linux Mint 20+ Cinnamon
  • Version or commit id: Version: gourmet-1.0.0.flatpak
  • Installed as Flatpak or Python package?: Trying to install flatpak

It seems that the downloaded flatpak is in another folder. Could it be /home/jonathan/Downloads/gourmet-1.0.0.flatpak?

Try running the flatpak install command with this, or use your browser the figure out where the file was downloaded to.

The Gourmet file isn't even in the download folder (just checked). I don't think the Gourmet file is even being downloaded anywhere. I even changed directories via terminal to check and used "ls" to see available files. I just tried a general system-wide search for the flatpak, no luck.

I see.
For the time being, the flatpak must be manually downloaded, as described here :)

No luck there either. I got an error with this one too.

Here is everything I tried so far, even with manual installation:

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists --user flathub

No errors with that one. Or no reported errors.

sudo flatpak install gourmet-2db9db8f.flatpak

I got error: "Failed to open file "/home/jonathan/gourmet-2db9db8f.flatpak: open() failed: No such file or directory"

Manual installation isn't working either.

Problem Solved: Version 1.0 is not available in the instructions given for installation. However here is my work around.
#1: Download "gourmet-2db9db8f.flatpak" to downloads folder from Github.
#2: Go to terminal cd ~/Downloads
#3: Then enter command sudo flatpak install gourmet-2db9db8f.flatpak ; type admin password, press enter.
#4: Select "Y" and hit enter; installation runs as normal.

Note: Terminal reports "GNOME 3.36 runtime is no longer supported as of February 13, 2021. Please ask your application developer to migrate to a supported platform."

Note 2: If Version 1 was the current application file, then you may need to change the instructions to fit what I did.

It would look like an easy task to go into the flatpak config file and change it to use a current version. I thought this was the kind of issue that Flatpak and Docker, Snap were to save is from.

Thank you for your feedback!
The runtime issue was fixed here.
An unofficial version 1.0.0 is available here with documentation available here.

These changes and updates are currently in a PR here.

Installed the wheel version (1.0.1) and it works without a problem. I was able to open my old recipe database.
Great work.