
Improve Template Previews

Opened this issue · 2 comments

#193 Introduced template previews.
Now you can navigate to a URL like and see a preview of what that email would look like without having to trigger and receive an email.
This is great, but there could be some improvements:

  • If you don't pass it a template name, it should return a list of URLs with all templates it was able to self discover
  • The logic for this should probably be in common or utils instead of core

Could you please offer further elaboration? I'm seeking a more in-depth explanation.

For example, one of the arguments passed to most email templates is support_email, which displays at the bottom of the email. But because of how the template preview feature was built, there was no example support_email to pass. So nothing is displayed in the preview. Thus, the template preview isn't a complete preview of what that email would actually look like.

Example of a template preview in staging here:

This is generated using this template:

Which extends this template where the support_email html code is rendered: