
Fix client dependencies

Closed this issue · 4 comments

#196 reorganizes the client side so that it aligns part of the web & mobile structure of the apps. It looks like it may be missing zod as a dependency, so we should add that to the client's package.json, bootstrap a client project and check that everything runs out-of-the-box.

Bonus points:

  • review if there are no similar missing dependencies on the mobile side of the bootstrapper

if I may understand the issue, zod used but not installed as dependency in the client side, what I don't understand is bootstraping a client project. please assist.

You are correct, zod is being used but not included in the package.json so the app crashes when running the client with yarn start. You can find info on how to bootstrap a project on this quickstart guide

Alright, I am very clear on what is needed to be done. can I go ahead?