
a C++ enum parser application that generates code

Primary LanguageC++


a C++ enum parser application that generates code

usage EnumParser enumfile.h templatefile [+]generatedfile [templatefile [+]generatedfile]...

it will parse the first enum declaration from enumfile.h and then it generates a file based on a template file, by replacing tags with the enumeration values

All tags should be written between dollar signs. The templatefile currently supports the following tags:

  • NAME - the enumeration type name
  • BEGIN_ENUM - starts a loop with enum values
  • END_ENUM - ends a loop
  • ENUM - the current enum identifier for the loop
  • VALUE - same as above for now. it will be used for custom enum values
  • NUMVALUE - the numerical value of the enum identifier when it is explictly assigned


  • C++ comments can be parsed too :-(


  • support nested loops
  • support custom enum text values
  • ignore line break after BEGIN_ENUM and END_ENUM tags