
Failed to sign transaction

Closed this issue · 4 comments

This is an error that only occurs when using social logins. This code works perfectly when logged into a web3 wallet.

Is there a different method when they are signed in with socials?

<TransactionButton style={{ width: "100%", background: "linear-gradient(to right, #facc15, #eab308)", color: "black", fontWeight: 600, padding: "1.5rem 0", borderRadius: "0.75rem", transition: "all 300ms", display: "flex", justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center", }} disabled={!amount} transaction={() => { return prepareTransaction({ to: API_WALLET, value: toWei(amount), chain: defineChain(42161), client, }); }} onTransactionConfirmed={async (receipt) => { setIsLoadingTransaction(true); const purchase = await purchaseEth( receipt.transactionHash ); console.log("Transaction confirmed", purchase); toast({ description: ( <TransactionToast type="deposit" ethAmount={purchase?.data.ethAmount} chipsAmount={purchase?.data.chipsAmount} /> ), }); setIsLoadingTransaction(false); fetchData(); }} > {isLoadingTransaction ? ( <div className="flex items-center gap-2"> <div className="animate-spin w-4 h-4 border-2 border-black border-t-transparent rounded-full" /> Processing... </div> ) : ( "Add Funds" )} </TransactionButton>

Hey @R-qanawati, please provide the version of the SDK you're using along with a full reproduction we can pull down and easily run to reproduce the issue.

@gregfromstl hey Greg! Thank you for the quick response.

After upgrading to the latest thirdweb version, it is working as intended now

Issue resolved with latest version