
email answer

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hey Bob,
I didn't complete all of things: not fast api skeleton ready. I answer to your email here.

The sketches look good, I like that we'll also tackle a bit of front-end work. Htmx is awesome, I have not used Leaflet yet.
-yes you did - last year but it was minimal functionality we touched upon.
What is the theme of the app, what data are we going to work with?

  • street art objects survey. Later I really want this prototype to inspire you to make a pybites user community map (maybe grab ip adresses from pybites slack channel and convert to lat lon)

Please invite me to a new repo (bbelderbos) and set up a FastAPI skeleton as first PR please ...
- it is to sketchy right now here maybe you can wait until I deliver a stub for future app?

Awesome, I am here, thanks.

Oh nice, I will look at loci again, see how we used it there, too many projects ;)

I like that this can be linked to Pybites community data at some point.