
Can installation procedure be made simpler?

sudodoki opened this issue · 2 comments

Awesome job on this workshopper. Have a question/suggestion regarding possibility to have it simple npm i -g learnuv since it can use node-gyp for building. AFAIK, it needs just adding proper install command and nodegyp flag set in package.json
What do you think about this?

Unfortunately no, since we are using gyp to build local files.
Cloning is the best solution here. I tried to think of a better way (and am open to suggestions), but couldn't find one.

AFAIK using node-gyp wouldn't work since the files executed are pure C, i.e. nothing to do with node.
They just use libuv as a library. The only JS is the workshopper itself.

Closing, but will stay open to suggestions.