
$ vagrant provision production --provision-with puppet

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I corrupted my file so I was delighted to see that

$ vagrant provision production  --provision-with puppet

works and restored There is one slight problem, in $tomcat_path/conf/server.xml
each time you run the above command then these lines are added, which prevents TomCat from running:



I believe that the problem is in the regex here:

Line 36:

 match => "\\s*\", 

RegEx are part of the stdlib. By the way, I noticed that you are using submodules and do not have the latest puppetlabs stdlib.

In older versions of the stdlib, it needed to be specified

ensure => "present"

Probably you don't need ensure => "present" here, but I haven't tested it.

Also I was wondering if different versions of ruby had different behavior with regex.

Thanks, I realized that this is happening with file /etc/pam.d/common-session (see the comment in puppet/manifests/debian-wheezy.pp), but there it did not seem to be a problem. However, using file_line was just a simple hack to edit the configuration files.

The right way of doing things would be to provide the configuration file used on our production server -- and the whole point of having a "production" machine is to keep it as close to our server as possible. So, to fix this issue, I am going to provide the necessary files. In the meantime, you probably want to stick with the "dev" machine.