Build doesn't work
pinq- opened this issue · 4 comments
I copied this project and run it and it worked. But when I build it and open it, I didn't see anything, only the background color ( like in the picture). It dose find all the js and css files and the icons are loaded, but I can't see the menu. If I open the console, there isn't any errors.
The html structure is strange:
Any idea why is it like this?
Hey! Sorry, it's been a while since I worked on this.
I ran
yarn build
yarn serve
And was able to get the site running correctly on http://localhost:8080/
Is that where you get the issue or are you talking about something different?
Also, can you please include your OS / Browser. Thanks! :)
When I run it local ( npm run serve), everything works fine. The problem starts when I to the build (npm run build) and try to open the page. Then above happens.
I have tried the webpage in windows, linux mint and android and with firefox, chrome and edge. Same result in all.
Do you mean opening index.html in the dist folder? You can't do that because it needs to be served over HTTP, you can read more here
Then I would get error, that "can't load js/css files" and there would not be any color background. You can go test it
But for you guys build works fine? What version of vue are you using? vue 3 doesn't have command "npm run dev" or "npm run start"