New fairy idea - FES
pazeinat opened this issue · 5 comments
FES = Fairy Element Selection
Applies to fairy elements that relate to things occurring after a move is made, e.g. circe that specifies return of captured piece to birth square,
After FES, two or more fairy elements (conditions) are defined for the problem. The idea is that the side to move can select one, and only one, of the specified elements. For example:
FES(circe anticirce). Here, after a capture, the capturing side can use either circe (and return the captured piece to it birth square) or anticirce (and return the capturing piece to its birth square) - but NOT BOTH.
It can be implemented initially for fairy conditions involving capture moves, and can include apart from the various circe variants also: take&make, anti take&make, Andernach, Breton etc
This sounds similar to Hemmo Axt's Verwallschach.
Can you point out the similarities and differences?
I was not aware of Verwallschach, and I read now the English translation of what is written here
I what I suggest, all specified conditions apply throughout the solution. In each relevant move the side moving can select and apply only one of them - no combinations allowed. In contrast (if I understand correctly) in Verwallschach one or more of the specified conditions "may be turned off by making a move that is not legal in that option(s)".
I didn't think yet on how FES (or whatever name will be given) can be applied to all possible fairy conditions. It is easily applicable to most circe variants.
Can you provide examples problems?
Can you provide examples problems?
They will not be computer tested :)
I will compose something