New restriction element
pazeinat opened this issue · 4 comments
pazeinat commented
Suggesting a restriction on the nature of the piece that moves to gives the mate, or the square on which the black/white kings are being mated.
- Restriction (mate by rook); Restriction (mate by w Pb2) etc.
- Restriction (bK mated on a2)
The format of this can be changed as seems applicable
dturevski commented
The concept sounds super useful.
Having an option to constraint the solution is very exciting.
Constraint Ply 10 PieceType LE
This kind of machinery.
thomas-maeder commented
I am trying to understand this feature and its super usefulness.
- Is it just another fairy condition? If yes: can you provide example problems?
- Is it something else? If yes: what?
pazeinat commented
dturevski commented
The feature I had in mind was to allow the user to inject additional shortcuts to the popeye's solving pipeline.
That, for instance, would allow some new fairy conditions.