
Set play in one for self mates

BjornEnemark opened this issue · 3 comments

In the problem below Popeye correctly finds the solution and a set play in two moves, but ignores a set play in one: 1. - dxe5#
For helpmates set play in one is found.
Autor Georg Thomas
Quelle Springaren
Bemerkung FIDE Album 1945-1955 nr. 1188
Forderung S#2
Option Satzspiel Varianten MaxLoesungen 8
Weiss Kd1 Dg4 Te8 Lb1 Se7 Sf8 Bb6 Bd4 Bg2
Schwarz Kd6 Lc1 Lf5 Sh1 Bb2 Bd2 Bd3 Bg3

I assume the missing set play is 1...Sh1-f2#

The variation 1....Sh1-f2# is also suppressed after the key.
It is intended behavior to suppress trivial self-play variations (i.e. variations in 1, and the number of remaining moves is >1), so I am removing the bug label again.
On the other hand, it is easy to add an option that allows users to prevent the suppression of trivial variations.

option MatesIn1 implemented for 4.91