Prototype implementation of mRUBiS with Enterprise Java Beans 3 (EJB3) technology for GlassFish v2.1.1.

Primary LanguageJavaEclipse Public License 2.0EPL-2.0


mRUBiS-EJB3 is a real prototype of mRUBiS implemented for the EJB application server GlassFish. In contrast, the mRUBiS exemplar simulates mRUBiS to provide a light-weight environment for experiments with self-adaptation solutions.

The mRUBiS-EJB3 is configured to run one shop (one-tenant system), however, it can be extended to a multi-tenant setting with multiple shops since each module (component) can be deployed multiple times. In this case, the configuration must be adjusted to that two deployed modules have different names (so-called mapped names of components used for and by the naming service of the application server).

Technical Details

mRUBiS-EJB3 has been developed with Enterprise Java Beans 3 (EJB 3.0) technology as part of Java EE 5 for the GlassFish Application Server 2.1.1. The server is available for download here.

GlassFish v2.1.1 requires Java 6. Hence, a Java 6 distribution must be used to run GlassFish and mRUBiS-EJB3. Therefore, the system property JAVA_HOME must be set to a Java 6 distribution. This is checked by the ant script delivered with this project.

Instructions for building, deploying, and running are given below. Moreover, mRUBiS-EJB3 is also available as a Docker image created by @jfloff, however, without the pipe of filter components.


Currently, mRUBiS-EJB3 is not actively maintained. Changes might be made upon requests.

Building, Deploying, and Running mRUBiS-EJB3

mRUBiS-EJB3 is available as an Eclipse project. The structure of the project is as following:

Each component of mRUBiS-EJB3 has its individual folder with subfolders such as res and src. The folders res contain resources, especially configuration files such as deployment descriptors. The folders src contain Java source code. An architectural view of mRUBiS-EJB3 is provided by diagrams located in the folder doc.

├── authservice		// Authentication Service
│   ├── res
│   └── src
├── availabilityitemfilter	// Availability Item Filter
│   ├── res
│   └── src
├── bidandbuyservice	// Bid and Buy Service
│   ├── res
│   └── src
├── businessobjects		// Objects used by all component interfaces
│   ├── res
│   └── src
├── buynowitemfilter	// Buy-Now Item Filter
│   ├── res
│   └── src
├── categoryitemfilter	// Category Item Filter
│   ├── res
│   └── src
├── client			// Sample Client Application
│   └── src
├── commentitemfilter	// Comment Item Filter
│   ├── res
│   └── src
├── contracts		// All component interfaces
│   ├── res
│   └── src
├── database		// SQL code for the database and test data
├── doc				// Documentation
│   └── UML
├── entities		// Database entities
│   ├── res
│   └── src
├── futuresalesitemfilter	// Future Sales Item Filter
│   ├── res
│   └── src
├── inventorymgmt	// Inventory Service
│   ├── res
│   └── src
├── itemmgmt		// Item Management Service
│   ├── res
│   └── src
├── lastsecondsalesitemfilter	// Last Seconds Sales Item Filter
│   ├── res
│   └── src
├── pastsalesitemfilter		// Past Sales Item Filter
│   ├── res
│   └── src
├── persistenceservice		// Persistence Service
│   ├── res
│   └── src
├── queryservice			// Query Service
│   ├── res
│   └── src
├── recommendationitemfilter	// Recommendation Item Filter
│   ├── res
│   └── src
├── regionitemfilter		// Region Item Filter
│   ├── res
│   └── src
├── reputationservice		// Reputation Service
│   ├── res
│   └── src
├── sellerreputationitemfilter	// Seller Reputation Item Filter
│   ├── res
│   └── src
├── usermgmt	// User Management Service
│   ├── res
│   └── src
├── build.properties	// ANT properties
├── build.xml		// ANT script
├── LICENSE			// License file
└── README.md		// This file

To build and deploy mRUBiS-EJB3, a script for Apache Ant---tested under Linux---is provided (build.xml). To use this script, a property of the script has to be adjusted in the properties file (build.properties). Set the glassfish.homeproperty to the fully qualified name of the glassfish folder where the application server has been installed, for instance:


When using the Ant script, this property is needed to resolve dependencies to libraries of the Java Enterprise Edition that are contained in the folder ${glassfish.home}/lib.

Moreover, to enable Eclipse to compile and test the mRUBiS-EJB3 project, you have to manually adjust the libraries of the project's Java Build Path, such that Eclipse finds the two libraries javaee.jar and appserv-rt.jar located in the ${glassfish.home}/lib folder.

Having set the property and resolved the dependencies to libraries, the Ant script can be used (either from the Terminal or within Eclipse).

In the following, the relevant commands are outlined when using the Terminal. Navigate to the mRUBiS-EJB3 project folder that directly contains the build.xml file to execute any of the following commands.

  • ant start-server Starts the GlassFish application server (including the database server as part of GlassFish)

  • ant stop-server Stops the GlassFish application server (including the database server as part of GlassFish)

  • ant setup-database Creates the mRUBiS-EJB3 database and its schema, and inserts test data into the database

  • ant reset-database Resets the data in the database to its original state (probably needed between multiple tests)

  • ant cleanup-database Destroys the database (and thus all data contained in the database)

  • ant build Compiles and packages mRUBiS-EJB3 to EJB modules that are located in the subfolder dist and that can be deployed to GlassFish

  • ant clean Cleans up the artifacts created by ant build

  • ant deploy Deploys all EJB modules of mRUBiS-EJB3 to GlassFish

  • ant undeploy Undeploys all EJB modules of mRUBiS-EJB3 from GlassFish

EJB modules can also be manually (un)deployed to GlassFish through the Administration Console (see http://localhost:4848 if GlassFish runs on localhost)

Having deployed mRUBiS-EJB3, the marketplace is now running.

To test the mRUBiS-EJB3 installation, a test client is provided as part of the mRUBiS-EJB3 project. In the project's subfolder client/src the main class de.hpi.sam.rubis.client.main.ClientSession can be executed within Eclipse to send request to the mRUBiS-EJB3 application deployed in GlassFish.