Not working on Ubuntu 18.04
Closed this issue · 5 comments
AccountOneOff commented
Hey cool stuff! Unfortunately this doesn't work for me.
This is all I get when running the script. No errors but the wallpaper never changes. I do see /tmp/back4
was created.
- Ubuntu 18.04
- Gnome 3.28.3
- feh version 2.23.2
cxf@PC:~$ cd foo-Wallpaper-Feh-Gif/
cxf@PC:~/foo-Wallpaper-Feh-Gif$ ./ gif/cyberpunk.gif-0.010 &
[1] 2838
cxf@PC:~/foo-Wallpaper-Feh-Gif$ spliting ..
Z-Mullen commented
feh does not support changing the background on gnome, so this script won't work.
AccountOneOff commented
Aww that's too bad. Thanks.
joshuah345 commented
so it doesnt support xfce either. What does it support?
thomas10-10 commented
hey i will search for an alternative
More news soon.
thomas10-10 commented
Originally it support wm like I3,iwm,awesome ..
Solution for ubuntu/xfce ->
In change this pattern
feh --bg-fill $dir/$hash/$i
xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/workspace0/last-image -s $dir/$hash/$i
You can set style stretched in your desktop panel
Let me hear from you.