
Parameter mismatch in `perform_full_pearce` and `perform_full_exp3_pearce`

mstimberg opened this issue · 1 comments

[Opened as part of the ReScience review: ReScience/submissions#62]

When I run the 3rd Pearce experiment after the 1st one, I get the error:

Error: Experience 3 of Pearce 1998 can only be conducted with agents trained on the first experiment
Please train rats on the first experiment of Pearce using perform_full_pearce script, 
then execute perform_full_exp_pearce using the same parameters and directory

command example:
'python mydirectory best_geerts'
'python mydirectory best_geerts'

check that the first experiment and third experiment parameters are identical, if an error persist

As the last line of the error suggests, this is due to a parameter mismatch (value for n_agents for best_geerts is 20 vs. 100 in both files).

Ok I corrected it.