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While I'm almost sure it's a permissive license like MIT or GPL, what is the license on this? Over on the require.js-rails gem, we want to set up some automated testing and forking your code would save some time in getting the test environment set up.

Free to use in anyway what so ever, do you need a license put in the repo?

No need, but it's your call. I just wanted to ask to make sure.

Hey man, could you explain to a rails noob like me what this gem means for development. I'm doing a full example app of backbone this weekend and wanting to as many concepts as possible.

What is the use of Require.js you mean?

AMD, which is what the Dojo framework uses, basically allows you to develop you site as modules that can be asynchronously loaded.

Check out this document on the Require.js site explaining the value of Asynchronous Module Definition:

Addy Osmani just published a text on using Backbone.js with AMD:

The only problem with this gem at the moment is that Jasmine BDD tests don't yet work with them, but John Whitley, the dev behind this gem will be working on this over the next week or two, so I reckon it should be supported by the New Year.

ahh wrong question, lol addy osmanis article is based off my demo that I done for him

I mean what does the require.js rails gem do? Does it allow you to use r.js as a gem?

Yeah, r.js integration into sprockets is in the newest version (v0.5.1). With it, you put your build file in the config/ directory as a yml file instead of a build file in the folder above your app as a javascript file.

I'm not sure if r.js support is 100% complete yet since I've only played around with it in development. I haven't pushed to production with it yet.