
home page suggestions

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I was looking at the home page - - for the site and had the following thoughts:

why do you need the second Home button?! it's not really needed with Backbone Tutorials button eh?

In the about blurb, you could mention how others could contribute too:


Backbone Tutorials is a collection of tutorials written by Thomas Davis. Everything is open source and I try my best to keep the tutorials updated.

Though I am busy and only work on this is my spare time so manycontributors have also help me put this resource together.

If you would like to contribute a new tutorial or have feedback about anything on this site or the github (, please create an issue on the github, and label it appropriately as an Error, New Tutorial or general Request and either I (or the community) will eventually respond to it.

Instead of the advanced bucket being empty, you could move over some of the intermediate tutorials like so:


SEO for single page applications
Organizing your application using Modules (require.js)
Cross-domain Backbone.js with sessions using CORS

Lightweight Infinite Scrolling using Twitter API
Real-Time Backbone With PubNub
Simple example - Node.js, Restify, MongoDb and Mongoose

You could start a list of the best backbone-related conferences:


silence is golden right? ;-D I'll just assume this is cool and I'll commit the source when it's ready.