The End-to-End Magnitude Least Squares Binaural Renderer for Spherical Microphone Array Signals
- 62LD
- 875441459Institue of Acoustics, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- anfig21@dtu-act
- bubing
- chris-hldAalto University, Signal Processing and Acoustics
- ChristianGreim
- cyrtaMetamedia Technologies
- DemonS9
- DoctorWomp
- evan2jiang
- germknoedlspeck
- HaHehoChalmers University of Technology
- Hoteres
- HualinRUOW
- husencdUniversity of Science and Technology of China
- intsucJapan
- jinnsjjTohoku University
- leomccormackAalto University
- mberzRWTH Aachen University
- mtmccreaHelsinki, Finland
- olilarkinAbleton, Oli Larkin Plug-ins
- oucxlwwork at home
- pdiazAmsterdam
- shiqiwangshiqiwangGuilin University of Electronic Technology
- ShuaiLiu92Beijing, China
- sone-man
- trsonicYork, UK
- ValleyAudioApplied Psychoacoustics Laboratory
- xefononIT University of Copenhagen
- yinkalario
- Yuan-ManXShanghai, China