
Readme contains invalid example

gschwaer opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, the readme shows

    - name: Update changelog
      uses: thomaseizinger/keep-a-changelog-new-release@v1
        tag: v0.6.0 # You probably want to have this dynamic :)

But this will load the action from branch v1 which is 1.2.1 which does not have a tag parameter and requires a version parameter. So using the example as it is you'll get:

Error: Input required and not supplied: version

The fix is probably to ff merge the v1 branch to master, if there is no urgent reason to keep it on 1.2.1. Thx

Thanks for reporting this, updating the readme should be good enough!

Ah my bad, I see the problem now. I need to update the tag.

Would you be up to sending a PR updating the v1 branch? :)