
Building dynamically OSC Addresses

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi there,
nice Library ;)
I found it is not possible to build an OSC Address in a For-Loop with string operations.
Example: "/Test_" + String(i) -> not working
NewOSC = "/Test_" + String(i)
NewOSC will also throw an error

Would be nice to have the possibility to build the OSC Addresses more dynamically.
I have to build 32 OSC Addresses in a sketch and I have to use a case-switch.



In issue #6 I helped a user with something very similar.

MicroOsc does not support String objects, you must convert them to C strings. That is the error you are getting.

But, to generate a String objects on the fly is very common for computer code, but not recommended on a micro-controller for memory fragmentation and speed issues.

Here are some of my recommendations to improve the speed and reliability of OSC parsing code:

  • Move as much as possible of the address pattern to the arguments. For example, instead of using the address /channel1/pot3 with an i argument for its value, you should use /pot with iii arguments (one for the channel number, one for the pot number and a final one for the value). This is much faster!

  • For more advanced users, I created new advanced methods to copy the address and type tags. You can split (i.e. tokenize) the address to then build a conditional strcmp() decision tree from there. Here is an example on the new methods and how to tokenize : microosc_slip_copy-address-and-typetags.ino