
ç => c

Closed this issue · 3 comments

leye0 commented
ç => c

Hi leye0.
What do you mean by "ç => c"? The cedilla or cédille "ç" is mapped to "c" in the FrenchAccentsMapping which is part of the DefaultDiacriticsMapper.

leye0 commented

Oops, I forgot to update the bug, sorry! I finally realized that I came across a ç in a string that was built, for obscure reasons, like so: '̧ + c. You can see in my example that I'm not even able to separate one of the single quote from the cedille sign. It seems like a lot of software have hack to put together chars to build a single char. I had to do something custom:

    public static string LowerizedNoDiacritics(this string thisString)
        thisString = thisString.RemoveDiacritics().ToLowerInvariant();
        var partialDiacritics = new char[] { '̧' };
        foreach (var c in partialDiacritics)
            thisString = thisString.Replace(c.ToString(), string.Empty);

        return thisString;

Ok. Thanks for reporting. I reproduced this issue and solved it in a pull request. It's already been merged back to master. Feedback is highly welcome. I gonna release a pre-release of the nuget too, so you can test it in your solution.