HookM code that modifies state can't be passed between components
marcusbuffett opened this issue · 13 comments
Having an issue where calling a HookM callback from a child component results in an error like this:
Error: Failed pattern match at Data.Maybe (line 268, column 1 - line 268, column 46): Nothing2 bundled.js:2788:15
Here's a project that reproduces the problem: https://github.com/marcusbuffett/hooks-issue-example
This is a follow-up from messages on slack where the modal would call the close function but it wouldn't get closed, but it seems in trying to create a reproducible example, I encountered a different issue.
This looks like it should be valid code to me. The problem is that the HookM code you define in the parent
is run in the child
. Thus, Halogen Hooks tries to update the corresponding state in the child's Array
of states rather than the parent's Array
of states, thereby producing the bug.
You can get around it by not using a separate component for the child and include that child within the parent.
parentComponent =
Hooks.component \_ input -> Hooks.do
recModalOpen /\ recModalOpenId <- Hooks.useState $ false
Hooks.captures { recModalOpen } Hooks.useTickEffect do
liftEffect $ log $ show recModalOpen
pure Nothing
closeModal = do
liftEffect $ log "Closing!"
Hooks.modify_ recModalOpenId (const false)
pure unit
$ HH.div
( [ HH.div [ HE.onClick \_ -> Just (Hooks.modify_ recModalOpenId (const true)) ] [ HH.text "open" ] ]
<> guard recModalOpen [ child closeModal ]
child closeModal =
[ HE.onClick \_ -> Just closeModal ]
[ HH.div
[ HH.text "foo"
This bug should be renamed to something like, "Defining state-modifying HookM
code in Component A and running it in Component B attempts to update Component B's state, not A."
@marcusbuffett as @JordanMartinez noticed and we briefly talked about on Slack, the problem is that it’s not safe to pass HookM code between components (though it’s perfectly fine to pass it to hooks). Once you turn hooks into a component you should start using component communication (messages and queries) instead.
I’ll need to think a little on how to make this situation either not possible or at least not cause an exception due to the unsafe internal calls to set state. Turns out they’re not hidden behind a safe interface as much as I thought.
Changed the title from your suggestion @JordanMartinez , and thanks for the alternate solution. I ended up passing a message up from the child component instead, as @thomashoneyman suggested on Slack. Just a bit more boilerplate but got things working now. Appreciate the help guys!
I’ll need to think a little on how to make this situation either not possible or at least not cause an exception due to the unsafe internal calls to set state. Turns out they’re not hidden behind a safe interface as much as I thought.
I think it would be nice if one run code defined in one component in another component. However, I'm not sure whether the resulting implementation would conflict with the test code you would write.
If we want to produce a compiler error, would skolem types on HookM
that also match the corresponding Hook
type work?
I think it would be nice if one run code defined in one component in another component.
When you write some code in HookM
it doesn't matter where you define it -- it matters where you evaluate it. HookM
code will evaluate its instructions in the component where it is run, regardless of where you defined it.
That's because a component is the interpreter that runs all Hooks code. If your HookM
code says to modify the state cell at index 2, then the component that runs the HookM
code will do that -- even if there is no state cell at index 2.
This situation only arises when you use the state hook in one hooks-based component, then use the identifier to write some code that will be evaluated in a different hooks-based component. There's simply no way that this can work, because the identifier is only usable in the component where it was introduced. You can't pass it to another component -- it doesn't exist there.
In contrast, you can freely pass around identifiers anywhere within the component. For example, you can nest hooks a dozen deep, passing identifiers down and up the stack of hooks, and it will work just fine because they'll all ultimately be run by one component. It's only a problem once you pass one of them to a different component.
This is also the same reason why you don't pass HalogenM
code among components. Instead, you use queries to tell a child component to do something or output messages to tell a parent component to do something. In ordinary Halogen no one tries to do this because of all the type parameters involved, but Hooks hide away the state type variable.
Unfortunately I don't yet have an idea of how to prevent folks from doing this without significantly affecting usability except to say "don't" in the documentation.
There are essentially two possible approaches here:
Use a reference to the component as part of the state identifier (hidden from the user). If the state identifier is used in a component that doesn't match its reference, then crash. This makes this issue more obvious by immediately throwing an error with an informative error message, rather than fail with
in the case the index doesn't exist, or modify the wrong state in the case the index does exist. -
Provide an interface so that you are allowed to pass
code from one component to another component, where the code will be executed in the original component when called by the receiving component. This would require some shenanigans viaAff
to communicate between the components, incurring aMonadAff
constraint on all Hooks-based components to support this use case. It's a bit of a price to pay for a situation I expect is relatively rare, though maybe it won't be as rare as I'm assuming.
I’m wondering if something like what ST does would work here? Universally-quantified regions to encapsulate the values at the type level so they only appear in a certain scope. (I haven’t been keeping up with the discussion very well so apologies if I’m off base.)
It does work, but it also means all hook code must be written with a polymorphic region, with the restrictions that come with that ($
and #
not working intuitively). The question is if it's worth disallowing statically with such a trade off.
This has partially been addressed by #44, but I would like to wait a little longer to see if a nicer solution exists before closing the issue altogether.
So, how would we implement this if we weren't using Hooks and just using regular components?
For example, I once tried using HalogenM
as the action type. I believe I got an "infinite type defined error" or something. So, if I newtyped HalogenM
with all parameters specified for my particular component to eliminate that error, and handleAction
was simply un HalogenMNewtype
, could I run defined-in-component-A HalogenM
code in component B? Or would component B need to use component A's query to make component A run its own code?
@JordanMartinez You can get fancier with coercion, but this code demonstrates how you can pass a callback down from a parent to a child component; when the callback is invoked then the parent component will evaluate some code.
Expand to read the code snippet inline...
module Main where
import Prelude
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Symbol (SProxy(..))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.AVar as AVar
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff, liftAff)
import Halogen (liftEffect)
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.Aff as HA
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE
import Halogen.Query.EventSource (affEventSource)
import Halogen.Query.EventSource as EventSource
import Halogen.VDom.Driver (runUI)
main :: Effect Unit
main = HA.runHalogenAff do
body <- HA.awaitBody
runUI parent unit body
-- Create an `Aff` function that can be used to trigger an action in one component
-- to be evaluated in another.
mkCallback :: forall st act ps o m. MonadAff m => act -> H.HalogenM st act ps o m (Maybe (Aff Unit))
mkCallback f = do
cbAVar <- liftEffect AVar.empty
_ <- H.subscribe $ affEventSource \emitter -> do
let callback = EventSource.emit emitter f
pure mempty <* liftEffect (AVar.tryPut callback cbAVar)
liftEffect $ AVar.tryTake cbAVar
-- The parent is able to evaluate actions triggered in the child component by
-- passing down a callback
type ParentState = { count :: Int, cb :: Aff Unit }
type Slots = ( child :: forall q. H.Slot q Void Unit )
_child = SProxy :: SProxy "child"
data ParentAction
= Initialize
| Evaluate (forall o m. H.HalogenM ParentState ParentAction Slots o m Unit)
parent :: forall q i o m. MonadAff m => H.Component HH.HTML q i o m
parent =
{ initialState: \_ -> { count: 0, cb: pure unit }
, render
, eval: H.mkEval $ H.defaultEval
{ handleAction = handleAction
, initialize = Just Initialize
render state =
[ HH.p_ [ HH.text $ "You clicked " <> show state.count <> " times" ]
, HH.slot _child unit child { cb: state.cb } absurd
handleAction :: ParentAction -> H.HalogenM ParentState ParentAction Slots o m Unit
handleAction = case _ of
Initialize -> do
-- make the callback function
mbCallback <- mkCallback $ Evaluate do
H.modify_ \st -> st { count = st.count + 1 }
-- set it in state so it can be passed to child components
for_ mbCallback \cb -> H.modify_ _ { cb = cb }
Evaluate act -> act
-- The child component is able to trigger actions in its parent without sending
-- a message, by receiving a callback passed down.
type ChildInput = { cb :: Aff Unit }
data ChildAction = Run (Aff Unit) | Receive ChildInput
child :: forall q o m. MonadAff m => H.Component HH.HTML q ChildInput o m
child =
{ initialState: identity
, render
, eval: H.mkEval $ H.defaultEval
{ handleAction = handleAction
, receive = Just <<< Receive
render state =
[ HH.button
[ HE.onClick \_ -> Just (Run state.cb) ]
[ HH.text "Click me (child)" ]
handleAction = case _ of
Receive i -> H.put i
Run cb -> liftAff cb
As a note, this doesn't have to be direct parent/child communication; the callback that's created here can be passed anywhere (put in global state, passed through a child component to a further child, etc.). But it requires that whatever component calls it can run in MonadAff
. In contrast, using messages to accomplish the same thing doesn't incur this restriction.
I think that this issue should be documented (my response here, specifically), but I don't have any plans to update the library to make this possible. If folks want it badly enough I'm willing to consider adding something, but I haven't seen it come up since #44 was merged.