
Fold-entity-row should only EVER be used INSIDE an ENTITIES CARD

thomasloven opened this issue · 0 comments

This plugin is called "fold-entity-row". As in "-ROW". As in "not -CARD".


If you use it as a card, it will not work correctly.

An entities card is where thou shalt place the fold-entity-row, and the place of the fold-entity-row shall be in an entities card.
Outside an entities card shalt thou not place the fold-entity-row, neither placeth thou the fold-entity-row in a fold-entity-row, excepting that thou then proceed to place that fold-entity-row in an entities card. Glance card is right out.

Let me show you a screenshot from the README file:

Can you tell I'm getting seriously fed up with people saying "ThIs CaRd DoEsNT LoOk RiGhT!" yet?
Every time, I think to myself that I've added enough pointers and passive agressiveness to the readme so that NOONE could miss this. Maybe it's actually a bug this time? A real one.
And every time I am disappointed.

So, now to why you are here.
You're probably here because your browser console told you "You're doing it wrong!".

That means your poor fold-entity-row has been looking far and wide for the ENTITIES CARD to call home, but cannot find it. And oh, how it has tried.
It is now crying out in a final, desperate plea for you to stop tormenting it and please let it just do it's thing in peace - which is to "Fold away and hide rows IN LOVELACE ENTITIES CARDS."

How do you stop it from doing this? Simple, really. The README file might even give you a hint.

Psst! Just between you and me. The trick is to put it inside an entities card. But don't tell anyone!


But isn't this unfair to those who have an actual use case for fold-entity-row outside of entities cards and now have to see this error all the time?


So, if you have enough reading comprehension to realize You Should Not Use Fold-entity-row Except In An Entities Card, I suggest you click the little triangle below.

Take a look in the file src/main.ts