
Entities displayed before completely unfold

mat4444 opened this issue · 2 comments

My Home Assistant version: 2022.3.3

Fold-entity-row version (FROM BROWSER CONSOLE): 20.0.12

This is a minor UI bug, but the fold-entity-row does not unfold as nicely in HA 2022.3 as in the previous releases. Basically, the hidden entities are displayed before the row is completely unfolded. Entities remained on top of all other elements until the row is completely folded again. See the video below for a more visual explanation of the problem:


What I expected to happen: I expected to see the same UI behavior as in 2022.2 version, where entities are not on top of each other when folding/unfolding the row.

No error from the console, same behavior in Chrome and Firefox. It must be a breaking change with HA 2022.3

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The latest fold-entity-row version is 2.2.0. I apologize for the version number confusion.

My bad, I thought it was latest version as HACS never warned me of any update. I guess it got confused when you changed the version numbering from 20 to 2.