
Images becoming blurry

heerymichael opened this issue · 1 comments


I was hoping I could get help with a general query. I can add code if needed but the one I have is quite detailed and would need to think how to scale back.

I am creating a gganimate line chart video. The lines "grow" from png headshots that I add to the plot using geom_image.

When I print out a static ggplot image these are crystal clear but in gganimate they become quite blurry? Is there any way to protect the quality of these?

I have built them into the ggplot from a separate data frame (with only the 6 relevant images) than the lines which has lots of rows?

Hope this makes sense and appreciate any help you can offer


My best guess is that you need to increase the quality settings during the rendering - the defaults are set for speed and size, not quality - see the last example in the animate() docs