
Find in-page content by synonym, using the browser's built-in find function

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Cinnamon.js takes some of the pain out of naming things. It’s a script that allows users to find links, images, and other content by their synonyms, using the browser’s built-in Find function.

Cinnamon.js screenshot


Add cinnamon.js just before your body’s end tag.

<script src="cinnamon.min.js"></script>

Then wrap your element of choice (span tags are recommended) and give it a data-cinnamon attribute with a comma-separated list of synonyms as its value. If you wrap an image, its alt text will also be used.

<span data-cinnamon="Azure,Cerulean,Cobalt">Blue</span>


See Cinnamon.js in action here.

Browser Support

Supports modern browsers and IE8+.


Thomas Park


Copyright 2013 Thomas Park.

Released under the MIT License.