- 4
C1000X support
#115 opened by kaiwoknaj - 1
Solix Smart Meter
#121 opened by Bascht74 - 1
Löschen von Entitäten und Geräten nach ändern oder löschen von Jenen auf der Anker App nicht mehr möglich
#118 opened by manuelkellauer - 9
Cannot disable entities of system device
#114 opened by chkr1011 - 1
Add capability to export api info of an account
#116 opened by thomluther - 1
Replace os module with pathlib module
#126 opened by thomluther - 1
Bump Api library to 2.1.2
#127 opened by thomluther - 3
Potential to add support for F3800?
#96 opened by shadshack - 3
- 17
Solarbank 2 E1600 Pro 'home load preset' minimum
#107 opened by andythomas - 2
Custom schedules
#112 opened by hypery2k - 3
Add temperature entity
#26 opened by Zordandi - 5
Refresh time with Anker Solix 2 Pro
#102 opened by Tetraplegie - 62
Does your Plugin Supprt the new Solix 2 Pro ?
#60 opened by xsasx - 1
Energy Integration of home assistant
#104 opened by andsk8 - 3
- 5
Energy dashboard help
#100 opened by asemev - 2
Solix Smart Meter
#97 opened by ThorbenK13 - 3
Unable to login due to failed requests /compatible/get_ota_update and /device/get_device_home_load
#94 opened by GRNspz - 1
Avoid creation or artefact system entities
#85 opened by thomluther - 10
Solix F3800 has no useful sesnors
#31 opened by mcowger - 1
Many features and device e1600 missing only sensors like power savings co2 and cost savings
#77 opened by desvelado - 4
- 5
output power value limit for 2 banks too low
#48 opened by Rilgamon - 2
- 1
- 1 is not a valid add-on repository
#56 opened by tuffi64 - 0
Update min HA core version to 2024.1.6 to support aiohttp 3.9.3 or later for the integration
#58 opened by thomluther - 2
- 2
Vers 1.2.0 did not start, Conflict Dependency
#47 opened by Wesie - 4
Update 1.2.0 not compatible with HA 2024.04.1
#42 opened by FWeinb - 2
- 6
Everything becomes Unavailable
#38 opened by FWeinb - 5
- 2
- 1
Compatibility to ioBroker
#28 opened by robbieffm - 3
- 0
add description for charging_status 6
#14 opened by thomluther