
log4brains build broken on node 14.21.3

Tenshock opened this issue · 4 comments

Bug Report


the output generated by log4brains build is broken

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Install node lts/fermium v14.21.3
  2. install log4brains:latest: npm install -g log4brains
  3. initiate a log4brains project: log4brains init
  4. build a deployable static website: log4brains build
  5. launch the index.html at .log4brains/out
    6: See how the navigation, search and images are broken

Expected Behavior

The static website should work


I can't deploy to gitlab pages or whatever using the procedure explained in the


  • Log4brains version: 1.0.1
  • Node.js version: 14.21.3
  • OS and its version: Ubuntu 20 on WSL
  • Browser information: Microsoft Edge
theyd commented

I have got the same issue with node v18.16.1
I'm running node with an environment variable: NODE_OPTION=--openssl-legacy-provider

The "Decision Log" navigation bar on the left seems empty and also the "ADR Workflow" image wouldn't be loaded.

I was able to get this to work by changing the last two steps in the documented GH pages workflow to:

      - name: Install and Build Log4brains
        run: |
          npm install -g log4brains
          log4brains build
      - name: Deploy
        uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@v4
          branch: gh-pages
          folder: .log4brains/out
          clean: true

It seems like anything other that the default buildPath break any resource links when deployed to GH Pages.

theyd commented

At first step, i don't want to deploy the pages to Github etc.

When i run log4brains build, the page index.html seems not working correctly. The Logo in the Header is missing and the links on the left navigationbar are invisible. When i search for the links in the HTML file, they exist but maybe the css does hide the links. In addition i find the link to the logo in the HTML file: /l4b-static/Log4brains-logo-dark.png. When i edit the link and remove the first slash, the logo will be shown.

running log4brains preview is working fine.

Im running log4brains under Windows.


It looks like there are two different issues mentioned here:

  • Issues with some NodeJS versions: normally fixed in version 1.0.2-alpha.2
  • Base path issues: don't forget to add the --basePath /your/path parameter to the build command when log4brains is not served at the root path