
Google Colab - Initial API Key Issues

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Sorry for poor coding knowledge, but this is what I have found so far.

So I have a Colab Pro account, figured I can use a notebook and run some synthetic textbooks through it. Initially, it kept on giving me an error, that it couldn't find the "candidates". I was able to get Huggyingface to download the modules once I placed the a new muse folder, nested into another muse folder. This showed me that the "candidates" argument error possibly had to deal with the Gemini API implementation.

Original Code

api_keys = []
api_endpoint =

temperature = 1.0
top_p = 0.99

out_dir = ./textbooks
count_per_file = 1000
begin_index = 0
verbose_exceptions = False

Edited Code

api_endpoint =[my actual key typed here]

temperature = 1.0
top_p = 0.99

out_dir = ./textbooks
count_per_file = 1000
begin_index = 0
verbose_exceptions = False

If I place my key within the brackets, it does not work, can not find it. If I use the actual API endpoint from Google, and adding my key to the end of it, it works.

Just wanted to pass this along if anyone else if having the issue.