
Escape animations without ctrl-C

Closed this issue · 0 comments

from reddit

Very cool library! Thanks for putting it out there. I teach kids coding and this would interest a few of them. We've used Scratch and Processing a bit. I've played with Pygame and other game frameworks too, but there's usually too much boilerplate for beginners.

One thing I'd love, because I find it's a useful sandbox for beginners, is a way to run this library from a REPL - i.e. draw a canvas, throw a few primitives up, change their attributes. Not sure if that's possible for this library. I did try to run it from the Python prompt but found that I had to Cmd-Q the Python window to close it - which also quit my Python prompt too. Again, probably not a use case you are shooting for here - but anyways....

I'd also love a way to bring interactivity into it - i.e. move things via key presses, mouse movements etc... Once, again - this might be outside the scope.

At the very least, it should be easy to capture a key press and escape from an animation without ctrl-c/q.