
Close based on underlying or position

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It's very important that we can close the position based on a number of factors of the position itself or of the underlying.

I'm not suggesting a huge, complicated bot trading platform, rather that you should be able to stack closing options up on one another. The system may have to be smart enough to have a working order that gets put in based on whether things are in your favor or not.

An example would be if your negative on your position, set a stop loss when the underlying hits $xxx.xx, or when the option position hits -10%.

If it turns positive close at 50% or when the stock reaches some resistance youve defined.

Im unsure if I could offer multiple cases or if you could only chose one up and one down or something. Also a trailing stop would be nice on options where once it crosses 50% you wont let it drop below 40% before closing but if it continues going up itll just keep moving it up, similarly it could be based on price levels.