[Question] How to decode fields which names we don't know?
Closed this issue · 6 comments
I have to decode a json like this one:
"ids": []
"authors": []
"kinds": []
"#e": []
"#p": []
"since": 0
"until": 0
"limit": 0
All the fields are optional and I decode it as follow:
let filter : Decoder<Filter> =
Decode.object (fun get -> {
Ids = get.Optional.Field "ids" (Decode.list Decode.string) |> Option.defaultValue []
Kinds = get.Optional.Field "kinds" (Decode.list Decode.Enum.int) |> Option.defaultValue []
Authors = get.Optional.Field "authors" (Decode.list Decode.string) |> Option.defaultValue []
Limit = get.Optional.Field "limit" Decode.int
Since = get.Optional.Field "since" Decode.unixDateTime
Until = get.Optional.Field "until" Decode.unixDateTime
Events = get.Optional.Field "#e" (Decode.list Decode.string) |> Option.defaultValue []
PubKeys = get.Optional.Field "#p" (Decode.list Decode.string) |> Option.defaultValue []
This works perfectly well. However, those #e
and #p
are just two instances of something known as "tag" (a field which name starts with #
) and there can be any number of them. I mean, there can be #r
, #g
, #whatever
. In my code you can see that I only handle the two most common #e
and #p
and use the fields Events
and PubKeys
Instead of Events
and PubKeys
I need to have only one field called Tags
( a (string * string list) list)
) containing all the tags and their values.
For example:
{ "#e": ["hello", "wold"], "#p" : ["aabbbcc...."], "#g": ["london", "madrid"] }
should be decoded as:
"#e", ["hello"; "wold"]
"#p", ["aabbbcc...."]
"#g", ["london"; "madrid"]
I think what I have to do is extract the tags in a decode continuation as below but I can find a way to decode fields of unknown name.
let filter : Decoder<Filter> =
Decode.object (fun get -> {
Ids = get.Optional.Field "ids" (Decode.list Decode.string) |> Option.defaultValue []
Kinds = get.Optional.Field "kinds" (Decode.list Decode.Enum.int) |> Option.defaultValue []
Authors = get.Optional.Field "authors" (Decode.list Decode.string) |> Option.defaultValue []
Limit = get.Optional.Field "limit" Decode.int
Since = get.Optional.Field "since" Decode.unixDateTime
Until = get.Optional.Field "until" Decode.unixDateTime
Tags = []
|> Decode.andThen(fun filter path value ->
// decode tags here
Decode.succeed {filter with Tags = tags}
Any hint?
Hello @lontivero,
I feel like your situation is similar to the one described in the "Unkown fields" advanced example.
Can you check the documentation I linked help you?
This is quite tricky to get right because Decode.keyValuePairs
will attempt to parse all values in the object. We want string list
, but some of the values have other types (e.g. int
). We need a way to take only keys that start with #
I think there could be an argument for a new function Decode.keyValuePairsFiltered
that would first filter the keys and then apply the decoder.
Usage like so:
module Decode =
let keyValuePairsFiltered (keyFilter : string -> bool) (decoder : Decoder<'a>) : Decoder<(string * 'a) list> =
failwith "TODO"
let tagsDecoder : Decoder<(string * string list) list> =
(fun k -> k.StartsWith "#")
(Decode.list Decode.string)
let knownDecoder : Decoder<Known> =
(fun get ->
Ids = get.Optional.Field "ids" (Decode.list Decode.string) |> Option.defaultValue []
// etc...
Tags = [] // Filled in later
let decoder =
(fun known tags ->
known with
Tags = tags
You could build Decode.keyValuePairsFiltered
by combining Decode.keyValuePairs
and Decode.oneOf
, but it would be more efficient if implemented in the library.
@MangelMaxime yes, that's exactly what i needed. I've just made it work with a much less elegant solution following the @njlr idea (thanks) and reimplemented the keyValuePairs
by filtering the keys starting with #
and hardcoded the received decoder.
I can only work in this pet project a very few hours during weekends and I will try to find a better solution then, but I wanted to give you feedback and say thank you.
let filter : Decoder<Filter> =
let knownDecoder = Decode.object (fun get -> {
Ids = get.Optional.Field "ids" (Decode.list Decode.string) |> Option.defaultValue []
// etc...
Tags = [] // Filled in later
let tagsDecoder : Decoder<(string * string list) list> =
fun path value ->
match Decode.keys path value with
| Ok objecKeys ->
let tagKeys = objecKeys |> Seq.filter (fun t -> t.StartsWith "#") // filter keys
(Ok [], tagKeys ) ||> Seq.fold (fun acc prop ->
match acc with
| Error _ -> acc
| Ok acc ->
match Decode.Helpers.getField prop value |> (Decode.list Decode.string) path with // hardcoded decoder
| Error er -> Error er
| Ok value -> (prop, value)::acc |> Ok)
|> Result.map List.rev
| Error e -> Error e
Decode.map2 (fun known tags -> { known with Tags = tags })
May help future visitors:
module Decode =
let filteredKeyValuePairs (keyFilter : string -> bool) (decoder : Decoder<'a>) : Decoder<(string * 'a) list> =
fun path value ->
match Decode.keys path value with
| Ok objectKeys ->
(Ok [], objectKeys) ||> List.fold (fun acc prop ->
if keyFilter prop then
match acc with
| Error _ -> acc
| Ok acc ->
match (Decode.field prop decoder) path value with
| Error er -> Error er
| Ok value -> (prop, value)::acc |> Ok
|> Result.map List.rev
| Error e -> Error e
Thank you @njlr
It is always difficult to know what should or should not be part of Thoth.Json core.
But the fact that users can write custom decoders for their specific is a good middle ground for covering specific situations like this one.
I faced this problem again. This time I decided to use a different approach. I let it here for future visitors:
let profile : Decoder<Profile> =
let commonFieldNames = ["name"; "about"; "picture"; "banner"]
let commonFieldsDecoder = Decode.object (fun get ->
{ Name = get.Required.Field "name" Decode.string
About = get.Required.Field "about" Decode.string
Picture = get.Required.Field "picture" Decode.string
Banner = get.Optional.Field "banner" Decode.string
Additional = [] })
let additionalFieldsDecoder : Decoder<(string * string) list> =
Decode.keyValuePairs Decode.anyAsString
|> Decode.map (List.filter (fun (name, _) -> not (List.contains name commonFieldNames)))
Decode.map2 (fun common additional -> { common with Additional = additional })
This solution is good enough for the scenario that I handling but could be horrible for others like the one I presented in the description of this issue.
In summary, this is something pretty common and the solution depends on the specific cases. Thoth is flexible enough to support all these.